Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Typical Tuesday

Since we are not starting school this year till September 10th we have a pretty easy schedule.
Most days around here we do chores and then spend time outside if it is not raining.
Today however we are working on getting our basement prepped for winter. It may not seem like much but we have to finish clearing space for 2 weeks worth of wood, cleaning the fireplace and just straightening everything up down there.
It's amazing how many things have to be stored for 7 people. Talk about a crazy amount of totes. Clothing saved for the kids, school books stored for every grade and a mirade of other things you collect over time. I am going to be sorting through all of our things next week with hubby and down sizing it all. We are talking (and praying hard) that the Lord will lead us in the right direction for a new job for hubs. That would possibly mean leaving our family and a majority of our posessions behind for a year. That will be another post though.
Have a wonderful Tuesday
My Thirsting Soul

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