Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our grubby brood

'The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him. Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoice.' Proverbs 23:24-25
Our children are pretty wise for their ages. They bring us joy and we rejoice in having them around us everyday. They have only become that way with the Lord's help and us leaning on Him to guide us in raising them.
We have 5 beautiful children that we have been blessed with. 4 boys and a little girl. What an adventure it has been to raise them all. It has been a time for us to learn so many lessons as parents and how to raise godly children.
There is something about the challenge of balancing life with children. As parents they need to be your #1 priority after God. You need to considering everything and how it will influence their lives. Because what the learn growing up will be how they are with their spouse and children.
Our oldest, whom we call Bubba, just turned 11 this year and is planning on becoming an entomologist. Since we homeschool this gives us an opportunity together as a family to learn soooooo many things about our wonderfully created world. We study creation vs evolution. I have my children learn why evolution is a faith and not fact. That sort of teaching is lacking even in private christian schools.
Our next born just turned 9, whom we call buddy, and is torn between becoming a pro bass fisherman or an herpetologist (someone who knows about reptiles). Thankfully since I grew up a tomboy I am fine with helping him catch lizards and snakes (we have very few venomous snakes here and they live several hours south of us). We love to learn about alligators and crocodiles. They are so very fascinating.
The next boy is 7, whom we call shrimp, and is still unsure what he would love to when he grows up. He talks about having a hamster farm, a chicken farm, a dog kennel or just helping his brothers with their endevours.
Our youngest boy is 5, whom we call tater tot, and just happens to be our biggest challenge. He loves to talk. All. The. Time. Even in his sleep. He always has something to tell us about whether it is real, a dream or some 'adventure' he had in the back yard. He is also the most stubborn of our children (happens I think when 2 redheads get married). The Lord has sure been teaching how to expand our patience in dealing with him.
The last of the brood is a little girl, whom we call Princess Buttercup (ya know, from the pricess bride by William Goldman). She is 2 and such a joy to have around. Already she is a big help to mama and loves to play outside with boys. She is pretty fearless and that can get scary with her trying to keep up with her brothers. She has blue eyes that just light up with her smile and is very inquisitive. We have learned though that boys are much easier to raise than girls.
So that's the whole crew. They are hardworking children who love to help us. Praise the Lord for that since we are working on being a very self sufficient family. My hubs and I (the children as well) would love to someday move to Alaska and if we did......well, this is all just training us towards that goal.
My Thirsting Soul

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