Thursday, August 23, 2012

Not everyone's cup of tea

Train up a child in the way that he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

I get asked quite often why we chose to homeschool. Well, we have several reasons. I know homeschooling may not be for everyone but these are our reasons for doing it. It has been the hardest adventure I have endevoured on yet. But it is also the biggest blessing in my life.
Having 5 children in the house 24/7 may seem like a little too much for some people. It is a bit trying at times I will admit but it is also a lot of fun. My children are my biggest helpers and playmates. We are supposed to enjoy our children being around and so many parents don't see it that way.
Reason #1 we homeschool. We have the chance to spend all the time we want with our children and have a flexible schedule. We did 2 years of public school and it was terrible. My hubs works a late shift and while the kids were in school he was sleeping. Then he left for work just before they got out of school. He was only able to see them on Friday after school, Saturday and Sunday morning. It was so very hard on all of us making sure everyone stuck to a very strict schedule. Bed by a certain time, up by a certain time, homework done by a certain time, showers done by a certain time, reading assignments done by a certain time, chores done by a certain and meals done by a certain time. You get the idea. It was a huge stress. I almost never saw my hubby because of it either.
Reason #2 we knew our children were not challenged in public school. They easily made honor roll and had perfect grades. They were bored with the school work and one of their teachers was not very organized. It was frustrating to find out what the kids needed for different things after they needed them. It always made me look inept as a parent. It just added frustrations to my life.
Reason #3 we did not feel that learning about evolution in science and nothing about creation to be a total fraud. They present darwinism as fact and leave out any other teaching. Despite proofs to the contrary and they only taught one part of evolution when in fact there are 6 and the 6th one being what everyone is taught as fact. As christians we should teach our children about creation and help strengthen their faith in a living God that is powerful enough to make something out of nothing. Mind boggling isn't it? Reason #4 we wanted our children to have a 'living' education as Charlotte Mason taught to children in England many years ago. Our children get a wide variety of subjects to learn about and are also taught how to use what they learn in daily application. How people do you know (and maybe even yourself) that finished high school, went onto college and had no clue how to handle what the professors wanted? When you learn how to study something on your own you have limitless ways of finding information since you tend to 'think outside the box'. I am not saying that is the case for everyone that comes from a public school or from being homeschooled. We all learn differently and think differently.
Reson#5 we love having our kids all the time. I am not saying don't ever spend time away. My hubby and I LOVE to catfish and doing that late at night is hard on the kids. We usually go out one night to do this and they stay with their grandparents. It is fun for hubby and I to spend time together and the kids love to be able to spend a night with their grandparents. Wins for everyone.

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