Monday, August 20, 2012

The man chosen just for me

I met this good looking guy one night while watching a couple of kids for a couple from church. My best friend told me she had someone that she wanted me to meet and I said ok. It was a couple of months before my 15th birthday and my parents weren't opposed to me courting or dating but I chose to not have a beau. Not that I didn't have any offers but just didn't want the hassle of it all and I was sort of waiting for the 'one' to show up.
My friend had a boyfriend and they had been together for about a year. He was her boyfriends best friend with my hubs and all 3 went to our churches private school. We introduced ourselves and that was the last time I saw him till I turned 15 and we didn't even talk. I had a friend visit me from the other side of the state that day and I pointed him out to her. I was too shy to say hi to him. A month later I was invited by some of my friends to attend the churches privates school senior dinner. I said sure and went by myself since I didn't need a date to attend and what girl doesn't like to dress up nice every once in a while? Being a tomboy everyone was used to me always being in casual clothes and never anything fancy unless I played piano for church.
Low and behold, I was seated at the table where he was. He had brought a friend with and she had also met me about 3 months prior at an ice cream shop. Talk about how crazy we sounded at that table that night. She was part of a Word of Life group (as was my hubs at the time but not the same one) and used to travel for competitions for it. We could not remember where we had met and asked which bible camps eachother had attended, or churches or anything that may have made us cross paths. God was sure testing our memories that night. After a couple of hours of talking we figure out we had met at a little ice cream shop after I was coming home from church and she had just finished a meeting for Word of Life. We have been friends ever since but back to my hubs.
While my friends I chatted my hubs and I spoke briefly to eachother since we were very shy and liked the other one very much. After everything was over that night I knew for some reason I needed to see him again and asked for his number. Not something I normally did but my mom was there and said no way. I was fine with that even though he looked disappointed she said no. I asked my mom if I was allowed to write to him and she said that was fine.
We exchanged addresses and wrote for a month before he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and we dated for 2 years before our parents decided we needed to stop. It was heartbreaking but we both knew we had no choice. There is a story behind their decision but I rather not tell it. We had started to behave in a way that we shouldn't and it was causing issues with our families and it was the best decision.
2 years go by as we dated a few other people and became adults with responisbilities. My parents divorced when I was 18 and my brother started to hang out with my hubs again. I am not sure how they got in contact again but I was certainly surprised to see him. We saw eachother occassionally over the next year as I was busy with 2 jobs and an apartment and he had 2 jobs as well. We dated for a brief time but I was actually not sure if we should be together. It was a time of many mixed emotions.   
After a year of this we decided to start dating again. That started in May and by December (2 months after he had joined the Army Reserve) we were married.
We have had our ups and downs, trials and tribulations, good times and bad times, tests from the Lord that we have failed and have had to try again to learn our lessons till we succeeded together, sicknesses and health, fights (and I have learned that most of those were my fault by not keeping my mouth closed and prayer about it instead), blessings and at the end of everything. 12 years of marriage later........we are eacothers best friend, confidant, lover, soulmate, work partner, a team for all decisions and most of all, someone we cannot live without.
I have been blessed with a strong hardworking, caring, considerate, godly (not perfect but we are all flawed), wise and thoughtful man. He is mine alone and I thank my Heavenly Father for sending him to me to be my partner in life working towards our heavenly reward.
Have a blessed day
My Thirsting Soul

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