Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Joy and heartbreak

It's always hard when our children learn another lesson in life. We are avid hunters and fishermen and our children know about the cirlce of life. However, it seems that every once in a while they learn about it another way.
Yesterday our kids were moving their small pool and found a garter snake. Not a big deal since last year we had 14 of them living in our house.
The reason we had 14 of them is my kids and lil sis caught a 2' long garter snake in the spring last year. Unbeknownst to us she was preggers. In august she gave birth to 13 little garter snakes. It was amazing being able to watch the birth. A couple of weeks later we found a small corn snake in our basement. That brought us up to 15 snakes in my house. Remember buddy wants to be a herpetologist and this was a dream come true for him. Good thing their mama is a country girl and is pretty laid back about critters in the house.
So, now the garter snake is in the aquarium in their room living high in the hog with tons of insects to eat.
The lesson they learned today was a little harder on them. Tater tot (5 years old) found a cedar wax wing juvenile in the yard. It had all it's feather but could not fly yet. Buddy adopted it and it stayed on his shoulder. They fed it insects and enjoyed it immensly. The heartbreaking part for them was when alley cat (that is our cats name that lives outside) grabbed the bird and ran off with it. They chased alley cat till they caught her but by then the bird was dead. Bubba cried about it and the others were very upset. It took a little while reminding them that our cat was behaving perfectly normal and took the bird since it was an easy meal.
An hour or so later the boys found another cedar wax wing juvenile and they promptly took it inside to another aquarium it could stay in. So, now they are happy once again that they have saved a bird and the cat didn't get this one.
So, over all it was a good day for them and they are happy to have critters living in their room.
My Thirsting Soul

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