Monday, August 20, 2012

About me

I have been wanting to write since I was young and used to keep a journal through my teen years. After I married and had children I just didn't find the time with everyday life. You know how it is with little ones running around and needing mom's help or attention with something. I do manage to keep a Bible journal and prayer journal but trying to keep up with anything else has been a challenge.
I have some friends that asked if I would consider looking into doing journalist pieces. I definately turned that down as it would take my time away from my hubs and children. I figure this is a good compromise for me since I don't have to spend time on it unless I need or want to.
I would like to introduce myself a little and then move on to tell you about my hubs and our rugrats. I will warn you now that I have a sense of humor and if I ever refer to our children as hubs minions, chitlins, rugrats and whatever name I may think to call them that day it is in an endearing way. Our children are like any others and try our patience and parenting resources. It is part of life. But I am digressing so I will tell you a little about me.
I was born 31 years ago to my wonderful parents and was raised fundemental baptist. I am not baptist now but am a Bible believing christian and I will get into that one day as well.
My parents had 3 more children after me, 2 boys and my baby sis. I was homeschooled, taught how to run a household, teach my siblings while doing school, how to be a responsible and hard working christian. My parents weren't perfect but they taught me so much more than they realized. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour when I was about 6 and my dad was the one that showed me how to be saved. 
I met my hubs when I was 15 and we got hitched when I was 19. The next year we had a little boy. Followed by 3 more boys and then our baby girl. I have been so very blessed by my Heavenly Father with a wonderful husband whom the Lord chose just for me and beautiful children that brighten my day.
I have interests in many areas but whatever they may be and however much some people may not agree with me on them I do not choose them to make me difficult. I have to feel led by the Lord to that area and when I research or learn about something I see to it that I try to have 3 areas I learn about it in. First, how do I feel about it personally? Does the Lord want me to spend time reading about this? How will it benefit my family if I take the time with it? Second, will it help us all physically (if it pertains to that area)? Will we be honoring God by changing something to make our bodies (our holy temple) healthier? Third, where do we stand medically on this? What is the history behind what we are having to consider (you would be surprised at what you may learn about the medical field in future posts)? We do not believe in using conventional medicine unless it is necessary but before it endangers any of us by waiting to long to get help. I went to school for natropathics and am thankful I had that opportunity since it is something I use to help my family. Those are just some things to consider possibly in your personal life.
I find that even though we have a wonderful marriage and have been so very blessed that I want to make sure I am being exactly the kind of wife the Lord wants me to be. My husband has no complaints and I aim to make sure he has none. But that is only possible if I let my Father above continue to help be the way I need to be.
My next post is going to be about my hubby and I feel that I am done right now talking about. I am certainly not used to that.
Have a blessed day
My Thirsting Soul :)

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